“That Motivation Stuff Doesn’t Work!”

I ran into an old friend a while ago and in the course of our conversation, we got around to asking what each of us was doing. When I told him about SuccessNet, he said, “Oh, you’re in the motivation business.”

I acknowledged that motivation was part of what we did, even though that’s not quite the way I would have described it.

But then he said something interesting. He said, “I’ve tried that stuff before–went to hear one of those motivational speakers–but it didn’t last more than a day or so.”

I’d heard it before from others and I still don’t get it. Why would someone think that being motivated or inspired is something you should do once and never have to do it again.

It reminded me of Zig Ziglar’s famous line, “Motivation doesn’t last, but neither does taking a bath. That’s why we recommend it DAILY.”

The process of getting and staying motivated is just that–a process. You are never done. Just as you feed your body every day, you need to feed your mind every day.

The problem is that most people’s mental diet is deficient—it’s negative. It serves to de-motivate rather than motivate. Certainly one seminar or limited exposure to good information cannot be expected to overcome a lifetime of mental malnutrition.

We must stand guard at the doorway of our minds. If we don’t choose and control what goes into our mind there’s no telling WHAT will get in there.

I believe this is one of the reasons why we’ve had so many people over the years become subscribers. Many people are realizing that they need constant reminders and regular infusions of positive, stimulating and inspiring ideas.

To operate at our best we need support. There’s no need to try and go it alone. Anyone who has achieved great success did so with the help of many others. Why should we be any different?

The truth is, no one can really motivate us. Nor can we truly motivate others. All we can do is plant seeds and shape the environment that’s most conducive to growth and vigor.

We’re either self-motivated or self-defeated. But by taking control over what we read, listen to, see and experience, we position ourselves for success. We are motivated to do the things we need to do in order to achieve what we desire.

By maintaining our exposure to the good, the clean, the powerful, the inspiring and the uplifting, we’re nourishing our minds and positively affecting our attitudes.

It’s been said that our lives will be the same in five years as it is today except for the books we read, the people we meet and the audio we listen to.

It’s all about what we think about. And by creating the right environment and feeding our minds healthy things, our thinking will be the kind of thinking that keeps us motivated and inspired.

That “motivational stuff” may not last, but it does work.

Recommended Resource – Free Report

Stay Motivated

How to Stay Motivated: 3 Keys to Maintaining Sustained Momentum in Achieving Your Goals

Living our best life demands that we be self-motivated. No one else is going to provide it for us. If we’re going to be successful, we must be proactive. We need motivation that keeps us going through the discouraging times. This report shows you how to stay motivated.

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer) SuccessNet.org

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at www.amazon.com/author/michaelangier

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