“If you learn to appreciate more of what you already have, you will find yourself having more to appreciate.”
—Michael Angier
My wife and I have a daily practice that utilizes an age-old principle: “What we focus on expands.”
Every night, before we go to sleep, we each share with the other at least three things we’re grateful for. The idea is to have some of our last thoughts of the day be of appreciation for the many blessings we have. In doing so, we take our focus off the challenges of the day past and direct it toward what works.
It’s been fun and enlightening all at the same time. Some days it’s easy for us to think about and share many things for which we’re grateful. Other days, it’s a little harder to get it going, but it works. We sleep better and we’re creating fertile ground for our subconscious minds to draw forth more of what we want. It’s also interesting to hear what the other person comes up with for the appreciation list.
I consider myself a pretty positive person. But it’s easy to let yourself get down. This little discipline we’ve developed helps us to become even more positive. And it’s not Pollyanna thinking. There are times to focus on the solution to our problems. I just don’t think that 10 or 11 o’clock at night is one of them.
Our thoughts create things. And we draw to us what we think about. It’s really a matter of programming our thinking—positive brainwashing instead of the typical negative brainwashing that happens if we don’t take control. Since we started, I’ve found myself, throughout the day, being more aware of my blessings.
We find what we’re looking for. If we’re looking for the good things in our life we’ll see more of them manifest. Give it a try.
Best Life Truth: What We Focus on Expands.