Forget Your Failings—Focus on Your Feats

Your “Win List” and your “Significant Accomplishments List”

It seems to be human nature to remember the things we messed up more than we do the things we did well. Most of us tend to focus on what’s wrong rather than on what’s right.

Even people with positive attitudes fall into the trap of discounting their successes and inflating their failings.

The fact is, we’re being programmed all the time, and most of it isn’t helpful. Problems, negative news, complaints and criticisms get more of our attention than accomplishments, good news and compliments.

The wise person understands this and takes charge of his or her programming. They use affirmations, they visualize and they listen to good tapes and read good books. They hang out with positive, supportive people.

I urge you to incorporate two lists into your life—lists you maintain and review. Use these lists to help you stay focused on what works instead of spending so much time and energy on what doesn’t.

These two lists are: your “Win List” and your “Significant Accomplishments List”.

I highly suggest that you start YOUR Win List today. Begin tracking all the good things that happen to you, the things you fix and overcome, the goals achieved, new clarities, etc.

The Significant Accomplishments List is important, too. It may take awhile to recollect all the things you’ve achieved and list them for easy—and hopefully, often—review.

It’s human nature to discount the value of what we’ve done—especially when it didn’t seem that hard for us. But even if it didn’t require a lot of struggle on your part, it’s still a good thing to put it on the Significant Accomplishment List.

Action Point
Get started today building your Significant Accomplishments List and your Win List. Review them often. Bask in the good things you’ve drawn into your life. Watch your attitude improve and your accomplishments increase.

What we focus on expands, so let’s focus on the right things. Building and using these two lists will do just that for you.

Recommended Resource

Best Life Navigator™

This is the best system we know of for getting clear, planning, tracking and following the path to your Best Life. You can make it your own personal “Success GPS”. Discover just how much more clear, focused, productive and in-control you can be. Try it risk free, and see for yourself  . . .

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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