Too Much Information

“In a world where there is a wealth of information, there is often a poverty of attention.”

—Ken Mehlman

It’s true. We’re drowning in information. We live in a time of unprecedented access to a vast and rapidly expanding universe of knowledge.

It’s a good thing, but it also has a down side. Our senses can be easily overloaded. As we become overwhelmed, our focus suffers.

And focus is key. Without it we can’t accomplish anything of much value.

Most of us don’t really need as much information as we think. Instead, we need to better utilize what information we have, combine it with sustained action. In doing so, we’ll make better progress.

You’re probably saying, “Aren’t you an infopreneur? Isn’t your business sharing information and ideas?” Yes, true on both counts.

It’s not that information and ideas are bad, it’s just that their value comes only from USING them—and that’s where most people fall down. Ideas are cheap. It’s implementation that creates value.

I do my best to share ideas, information and resources and to remind people of many of the things they already know. People tell me all the time how helpful it’s been. But it’s a small percentage who actually take action and persist in the accomplishment of their goals.

Most of us are good at absorbing information, but not so good at implementation. Too often we think we need even more knowledge in order to act. But an imperfect plan executed is better than a perfect plan never executed.

If everyone waited until the time was right, until they had all the data, all the skills and things were just right, not much would get done.

Don’t be a victim of information. Be a master of action. Pay attention to the information that will move you forward. Use what you know, start from where you are, and MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Recommended Reading

101 Great Ideas to Simplify Your Life: How to Slash Stress, Ditch the Drama & Intensify Your Tranquility

Your best life demands simplicity and clarity. And the great ideas this book offers you is a cornucopia of ways to make your life dramatically better. Implement just three or four of these ideas and you will see your life start to change in a very positive way. Incorporate a dozen and your life will be transformed. 

This book is filled with proven strategies, tactics and resources to help you live a simpler, more significant and more meaningful life—in a comfortable and easier way.

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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