When most people talk about success, they usually speak in terms of acquiring things and achieving objectives. What’s NOT talked about much is taking care of the things we already have.
Pillar number nine of the ’10 Pillars of a World-Class Business’ is stewardship. It’s the cultivation, nurturing, care and protection of the assets with which we are charged.
We all have assets that not only need to be appreciated but also protected, secured, leveraged and cared for.
It might not be as exciting as the actual acquiring of things, but it’s critical we be accountable for all assets within our responsibility. We need plans and systems that help us to be good stewards.
Before we bought our current boat (Attitude) we contracted with a yacht surveyor to examine all her systems and equipment to determine the actual value and make sure there was nothing wrong with her we might have overlooked.
As part of his work, the surveyor created a detailed report that rated all aspects of the vessel. Once we made the purchase, this report allowed us to prioritize repairs and upgrades over the next few years so as to best maintain the vessel. With proper care, Attitude will hold her value—and given the state of the yacht-building industry—she may very well APPRECIATE in value.
It matters not what assets we have, they must be maintained. Everything we own or are responsible for must be cleaned, insured and repaired. If we own it, it’s incumbent upon us to take good care of it.
I suggest making a list of all your assets. Here are some ideas to use in compiling your list:
equipment, tools, intellectual property,
goodwill, reputation, contacts/network,
relationships, products, existing customers,
accounts receivable, cash, experiences, systems,
trademarks, website, domains, credit, health,
real estate, investment portfolio, time
How are you caring for your assets? Are they protected? Are they fully operational? Do they fit in with your goals and the vision for your future? Are they being fully leveraged and utilized?
If you have assets you’re unable to adequately care for or use, sell, give them away or let go of them. In doing so, you make room for things in your life that you can and will put to good use.
Let’s take excellent care of the things we care ABOUT.
“Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.”
—Dr. Michael McGriffy