The Power of Specificity in Achieving Your Goals

When it comes to setting and achieving our goals, specificity isn’t just a detail; it’s the guiding force that leads us to success. A well-defined goal is like a roadmap: it gives you direction and a clear destination. Without specificity, our goals are like ships without rudders–drifting aimlessly in an ocean of possibilities.

Years ago, I set the goal of Financial Freedom. It was a great intention and I had a fair idea of what it meant to achieve financial independence. But it wasn’t until I got commandingly clear on what Financial Freedom would mean that I really started to make progress.

For me, it meant no unsecured debt—credit cards paid off in full each month. I also decided on a specific amount of money that would be earned each year without me showing up—passive (or mostly passive) income. There were many other descriptions and definitions that rounded out my vision for being financially free. And I doubt I ever would have achieved it if I hadn’t gotten so specific. In fact, until I did, I really wasn’t making any real headway.

If you have a SPECIFIC target to aim for, the goal isn’t just a wish; it’s a plan.

Why does specificity matter so much? It’s simple: clarity leads to action. When you know exactly what you’re aiming for, it’s easier to break down your goal into actionable steps.

Specific goals also keep us motivated. They provide a clear measure of progress, which is incredibly satisfying. Every time you get closer to that well-defined goal, you feel a sense of achievement. This positive reinforcement keeps you going, even when the going gets tough.

Moreover, specificity in goal setting aligns with the SMART criteria–Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound—a tried and tested formula for goal-setting success. A specific goal checks off these criteria, ensuring that your goal isn’t just a dream, but a feasible, achievable plan.

Let’s not forget the role of specificity in focus. In a world brimming with distractions, a specific goal is your anchor. It helps you filter out the noise and concentrate on what truly matters.

In conclusion, setting specific goals isn’t just about ticking off boxes; it’s about creating a clear, focused path to your aspirations. Whether it’s running that 5K, launching a new business, or learning a new skill, start with specificity. Remember, a goal well set is halfway met.

Take a look at your list of goals (they are written down, right?) and see if they pass the specificity test. If they are clear and specific, can you make them even more so?

Harness the power of specificity, and watch your dreams turn into achievable plans.

Recommended Resource

Clarity Leads to Power!

How to Gain and Maintain the Clarity You Need for Living Your Best Life

With the clarity mindset, you can live with more intention, connect more deeply with others, and make a greater impact. Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed. Say hello to purpose, passion, and the power to create the life you truly want.

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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