The Positive, the Powerful and the Proven

Every day people join the ranks of SuccessNet subscribers.

They enroll because they want information to solve problems, gain new ideas and become more motivated and inspired.

What we offer are resources designed and collected to help you live your best life, to excel—to be your best, both personally and professionally.

And I think the biggest value is in consistently being exposed to the good, the great, the positive, the powerful and the proven.

In doing so, you’re constantly informed, reminded and immersed in what works.

And by consistently moving toward your goals, you grow as a person. You learn and understand things in ways you would not have beforehand. As you read and listen, you see things in new ways because your perspective has changed. You’re in a different place and you hear things in different ways.

The basic building blocks of success take on greater weight. You become and remain clear, more focused and more motivated.

I’ve always loved what Zig Ziglar said, “Many folks claim this motivation stuff doesn’t last. Well, neither does taking a bath. That’s why we recommend it DAILY.”

It’s highly unlikely that one exposure to an idea, strategy, philosophy or concept will make much of an impact.

I listen to and watch positive, uplifting, educational audio or video programs every day. I read something inspiring every day. And so does almost every successful person I know.

I recommend you do the same.

Action Point
Get back to the basics. Get clear on what you want and the things that may be preventing you from getting where you want to go. Visualize your goals. And focus on the strategies and tactics that will move you closer to your objectives. Read something positive every day. Hang out with winners. Read about winners. Listen to winners. By doing so, you ARE a winner.

Recommended Reading

Best Life Book Series

The path to your best life is through your Compelling Core Values, your Empowering Purpose, your Meaningful Mission, your Vital Vision and your Solid Goals. And this series has a book for each of them. Pick out individual ones or get the whole series. 

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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