This post was originally published on in 2011.
What? No problems in business?
That’s right, there are no problems in business. There are only expenses.
I learned this from Joel Block. He’s a growth architect I had the pleasure of meeting earlier this year. Joel says it’s not always true for personal problems, but he says that business problems can all become expenditures.
I like this approach. First off, it asserts that every problem has a solution—it can be fixed. And that’s a reassuring thought for most people. And secondly, it lets us know that we need to address the issue.
Our job as owners and managers of business is to find the BEST solution—the most economical, the fastest, the easiest and the one most consistent with our mission and values.
Unfortunately, many business owners don’t take this approach. They AVOID problems or ignore them altogether. And my experience is that most problems don’t go away by themselves—they usually get worse.
If we invest the time and energy in getting clear on what the problem is, we can then allocate the resources to solving the problem.
Every problem DOES have a solution. There are an almost infinite number of solutions to every problem we face.
And solving problems is our job.
Best Life Truth: A problem clearly stated is a problem half solved.