Got Plans for The New Year (Sept 1)?

Summer is over.

And September first is like the beginning of a new year. Summer vacations are over and it’s back to business. We have four full months before the year is over. And that’s enough time to make a real difference in the goals you have and to set some new goals you can go after.

I encourage you to take some time to plan the third period of the year. Recommit to some of the goals you set back in January. Clarify and update your plans and projects. Set some new goals. Choose your top three goals to accomplish by the end of December.

Don’t wait until after Labor Day to make those plans. Do it now so you can hit the ground running. Set some things in motion. Know what you will do when—and how.

Share your goals with a trusted friend or partner and challenge each other to make the most of the “New Year“.

Visualize yourself celebrating over The Holidays all the achievements and accomplishments of the year past. And the confidence and satisfaction you will feel starting the real New Year.


Recommended Resources 

Check out our Best Life Goal Planner and the bonuses that come with it. It’s a proven tool for getting clear and accomplishing those goals that will create your best life.


And the Goal Planner is INCLUDED with The Best Life Navigator™—the best system we know of to define, design, create, track, assess and LIVE your best life.

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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