Meta Thinking: Where’s your Focus?

You may find other definitions for meta thinking, but for purposes of our discussion today, what I mean by meta thinking is thinking about what you are thinking about.

We all have thoughts; about memories, feelings, things we notice, conversations we have with others and those we have with ourselves. But having thoughts is not really thinking. We need to pay close attention to what’s rolling around in our head and direct our thoughts to our highest purpose.

It starts with observing. What are you thinking about right now? Or what have you been thinking about over the last few minutes? What dominates your thinking? Because what you think about is what drives you. And you want to be in the driver’s seat.

What you focus on expands. So where is your focus?

Is it on your problems or on the solutions? Unless we take control of our programming, it’s likely that the problems are rolling around more frequently than ideas for the solution of those problems.

When things seem crazy and chaotic, it’s easy to focus on survival rather than thriving. We do have to survive in order to thrive. What do you truly want? How do you want things to be? What’s the change you want to create in the world?

Where are you thinking small? What beliefs do you have that are limiting? In what ways could you think bigger? New paradigms call for new ways of thinking. Some of it is getting back to the basics while sometimes a transformational approach is needed. Breakdowns CAN lead to breakthroughs—if we’re thinking rightly.

I encourage you to challenge your thinking. Brainstorm with yourself or others to direct your thinking toward what you want instead of what you don’t.

There are six books in the “Your Best Life“ series all written to help you design, create and live your best life. They’re inexpensive, easy and quick to read, digest and implement. And they are guaranteed to help you focus your thinking, your actions and your results. See the recommendation below.

Recommended Reading

Best Life Book Series

The path to your best life is through your Compelling Core Values, your Empowering Purpose, your Meaningful Mission, your Vital Vision and your Solid Goals. And this series has a book for each of them. Pick out individual ones or get the whole series. 

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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