Letting Go of Stuff

I’m not saying we buy a lot from Amazon and Sam’s Club, but if two days go by without a delivery to our home, they call us just to see if we’re OK.

No, it’s not that bad. I’m kidding. But apparently we’re very good consumers.

So if almost every day stuff comes into our house, it stands to reason that something close to what comes in, should also go out. Don’t get me wrong, we’re far from hoarders. After living in this house for almost 13 years, we still have a few drawers and cabinets with nothing in them.

But we don’t have to be a hoarder to accumulate things that are no longer used or useful. They just mount up unless we regularly purge those things we don’t truly need.

We’re pretty good at giving things to good will, recycling, and giving things away to friends and family. But I thought we could do better.

Recently I set as one of my routines to send at least one thing out of the house each day. It keeps me mindful of all the stuff we have and how we can get by with less. New pair of tennis shorts—give at least one old pair away. New shoes—old ones have to go. Same even with books.

It may not be for everyone, but if the concept appeals to you, I recommend you give it a try. It feels good.

Best Life Truth: Out of Chaos Comes New Order.

Here are two books I know you’ll find helpful in keeping clutter under control, simplifying your life and sharpening your focus.

101 Great Ideas to Simplify Your Life: How to Slash Stress, Ditch the Drama and Intensify Your Tranquility. 

The Secret to Being Fiercely Focused: How to Have Less Stress, More Energy, and Get More Done by Tackling Your Tolerations

Both are loaded with ideas and motivation for you to have more clarity and less distraction in your life and business. Available in paperback and Kindle.



Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer) SuccessNet.org

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at www.amazon.com/author/michaelangier

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