How Much Do You Know About Living Your Best Life?

We might not think we know it all, but oftentimes we think we know enough. And as Mark Twain once wrote, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

Sometimes we have false beliefs. Sometimes we have incorrect or insufficient knowledge. And sometimes our data is obsolete. All the more reason to stay on top of our game with a lifelong quest for knowledge.

Far too many people end their education when they leave school. But that’s not going to cut it in today’s world. You have to commit to lifelong learning.

A trap many people fall into is reaching a certain level of success and thinking that they know enough—or worse, they know it all. But that approach will never yield extraordinary results. You can always go further. You can always get better. And with technology and information changing as rapidly as it does, you may be easily surpassed by someone who has a greater thirst for effective attitudes, skills and knowledge.

There was a time when seniority and experience carried more weight. Today, it’s who can get the job done the most efficiently. Results trump experience.

I know for me, it’s easy to stay in my comfort zone with what I know and draw from my existing knowledge base. But what keeps me sharp is learning new things, honing my skills, and consistently working on myself. Real growth happens outside the comfort zone.

One of the most dangerous phrases in the English language is, “I know that.” As soon as you’re exposed to an idea, information or a story, your mind looks for relevancy and familiarity. And when you think, “I know that”, you turn off or turn down your reception mechanisms. You deny yourself a new or different way to see things.

It’s easy not to see what you’re doing or not doing that’s keeping you from living your best life. It takes constant attention, reflection and effort. It’s not easy. And that’s why having a coach and/or a master mind team can be of enormous help.

Where are you investing in your personal and professional growth? What products and services have you bought recently? In what conferences, coaching or courses have you participated?

And what resources do you already have that you could better utilize, review or revisit?

I believe that if you’re serious about increasing your success, you should invest more in yourself. What knowledge you acquire, what skills you improve and what attitudes you develop will be with you your entire life—and will continue to reward you and those you serve as long as you use them. It’s a better investment than gold.

I’m very appreciative of you being part of SuccessNet. Your interest and support means a lot to me. There’s nothing I enjoy more than being in the presence and service of people who care about things that matter who want to make a difference.

Thank you for your patronage and participation. I consider myself very fortunate to do work I love and hear from you that it has helped you live a better life.

Best Life Tenet: You Can’t Learn Less.

Recommended Resource

Best Life Navigator™

This is the best system we know of for getting clear, planning, tracking and following the path to your Best Life. You can make it your own personal “Success GPS”. Discover just how much more clear, focused, productive and in-control you can be. Try it risk free, and see for yourself  . . .

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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