Are Your Habits Working for You—or Against You?

I’ve been reviewing many of my personal journals and some of the seminal writings that formed the basis of our company.

SuccessNet was founded on the belief that success is a learnable skill. And our job was to teach and remind people of the principles and habits necessary to create a better life. 

In one of the early brochures (1996) I had written, “If you learn and develop the habits of success, you will make success a habit.” I believe it’s as true today as it was then.

Success principles are important to know and understand. But just learning them isn’t enough. It’s the APPLICATION of those principles that will produce the intended results. And this is done through our habits—our consistent habits of thought, word and deed.

We are creatures of habit. That’s the good news AND the bad news. Our habits either serve us or work against us. We must be ever diligent in discerning whether they are helpful or not—and then nurture the helpful and root out the ones making things more difficult for us.

Jim Rohn said, “Good habits are hard to come by, but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to come by, but hard to live with. ”

If we want the kind of habits that are easy to live—the kind that creates real success—we must be very consistent in our efforts to cultivate those habits that will help us live our best life.

The more you can systematize this process and be consistently diligent, the easier your life will be and the faster and more completely you can achieve your objectives.

Years ago, I came up with an acrostic for SYSTEMS: Save Yourself Substantial Time, Energy, Money and Stress.

What’s systems do you have in place? How good are they? How do you stay focused on what works and fend off what doesn’t?

For almost 40 years, I’ve shared the principles and habits that are most effective in helping you reach your full and unique potential. And most of them fall into one or all of the Three Cs outlined in my book, The Achievement Code: Clarity, Concentration and Consistency. Still available on Amazon.

But by far, the best system I created for getting clear, staying focused and taking consistent action is The Best Life Navigator™. It utilizes the power of Microsoft’s OneNote (free) and gives you a place to work on and for your best life. It gives you one organized place to keep all your notes, goals, journal, brainstorming, checklists and more. It’s completely customizable while also providing a proven template to grow and achieve.

It’s all explained (including three valuable bonuses) on this page

If you want more focus in your life, if you want the clarity that leads to power and if you want more positive consistent progress, this is for you.

“The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.”

—Warren Buffet

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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