Be Aware of the Enemies to Our Success

I saw a sign in a dentist’s office some time ago that went something like this: “Ignore your teeth. They’ll go away.”

I never forgot it.

It’s the same with our success and our freedom. If we ignore the threat to what we have achieved or to our liberties, they too, will go away—or be taken from us.

Most of what SuccessNet shares is about what we can do to create more freedom—personal, financial and emotional. We share ideas and strategies to help our readers succeed. It’s positive and proactive. We don’t talk much about failure and defeat—except for what it may have to teach us.

But part of success is being aware of the downsides. It’s important to be positive, but we must also be pragmatic. Being uninformed can prove to be our downfall.

Jim Rohn tells a great story of tending a garden. If we don’t eliminate weeds, they will overtake our garden.

We need to tend our own garden. We must truly nurture what we want or we will be taken over by what we DON’T want.

We must watch and prepare for those pitfalls which could ensnare us.

Focusing on what we truly want is paramount to successful outcomes. At the same time, we must also be mindful of those things that can distract or deter us from our intentions.

Our personal and professional success is an offensive tactic. But we must also defend against apathy, lethargy, poor health, confusion and a host of other enemies that can keep us from being our best.

Some Questions . . .
What are the enemies to YOUR success? What are the things that can block or even extinguish your chances for exceptional accomplishment? How can we eliminate or minimize these things we’ve identified?

Recommended Reading

Best Life Book Series

The path to your best life is through your Compelling Core Values, your Empowering Purpose, your Meaningful Mission, your Vital Vision and your Solid Goals. And this series has a book for each of them. Pick out individual ones or get the whole series. 

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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