Prescription for Summer Creativity

Growing up on a farm, summers were never leisurely. It was a very busy time of the year and doing nothing on a warm summer afternoon was not something I experienced very often.

It’s not that we didn’t goof off occasionally; it’s just that with our work ethic and our pressing responsibilities, our guilt just wouldn’t allow us to ENJOY goofing off.

And it still doesn’t come easy for me to do nothing. Maybe that’s why sailing works so well for me—I call it the art of doing nothing creatively.

But doing nothing IS important.

It seems that great ideas seldom find their way into very busy minds. We must have periods of “moodling” in order for our brains to rest themselves of conscious thinking and open themselves to creative ideas.

So go for it. Do nothing actively. Set aside the time for lying in a hammock, reading or walking on the beach. Letting the wind blow through your brain offers new perspectives and fresh ideas.

You deserve it. It’s a good thing to do. And it DOES get easier.

Recommended Reading

The Secret to Being Fiercely Focused

How to Have More Energy, Less Stress and Get More Done by Tackling Your Tolerations
The simple strategy of identifying and eliminating Tolerations has been proven to be highly effective. But don’t allow its simplicity to make you think it’s not extremely powerful—even life-changing. 

Stop Being Nibbled to Death by Ducks! That’s what it feels like when you are nagged by pesky Tolerations that keep you from living your best life. It’s time to declutter your mind.

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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