The Problem is . . .

Charles Kettering, the great American industrialist, once said, “A problem clearly stated is a problem half-solved.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Most people only THINK they know what the problem is. And before they fully understand and define the problem, they’re off trying to solve it.

We need to make sure we UNDERSTAND the problem.

Billions are spent each year attempting to solve problems that don’t exist or aren’t clearly understood.

The real problem: the so-called problem isn’t stated well enough to effectively solve or overcome it.

We humans are problem-solving machines. As soon as we think we know what the problem is, our subconscious, conscious and superconscious go to work creating possible solutions.

But to be efficacious, we must first be clear on what the problem is. Otherwise, we’re charging our onboard computer with tasks that it may very well not need to accomplish.

When we’re faced with a problem it’s a good idea to write it down. In doing so, we gain greater clarity about what it is.

I recently added a section to my Best Life Navigator titled “Problems to Solve”. It helps me to focus on solutions. And the people I share it with—two Master Mind Teams and the SuccessNet Staff—can focus on them as well.

What I’ve found is that DEFINING the problem clearly—as Charles Kettering said—is a good part of the solution. I’m also finding that as I redefine the problem, I’m seeing it in a better and more resourceful way.

Try describing the problem in different ways. Reverse it. Exaggerate it. Minimize and simplify it. When we turn these problems around and see them differently, we can more easily overcome them. Try it, it really works.

Recommended Resource

Clarity Leads to Power!

How to Gain and Maintain the Clarity You Need for Living Your Best Life

With the clarity mindset, you can live with more intention, connect more deeply with others, and make a greater impact. Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed. Say hello to purpose, passion, and the power to create the life you truly want.

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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