Take Command and Control of Clutter

Our ability to focus our energy, talent and efforts is paramount to our success. Disorder equals distraction. And clutter creates lack of clarity. And that all takes away from our ability to focus.

We have more distractions than ever before. Our professional and personal lives are intricately intertwined. And we must stand guard at the door of our very active minds. Not to do so results in diluting and dispersing our valuable energy, time and attention.

Organization may not equal clarity, but it contributes significantly to it.

We’re constantly being deluged with data. And we have a large amount of “stuff” in our lives. Most of it’s good, but all of it combined detracts from our ability to focus and drive our most desired results.

We have to learn to keep tabs on it all. Some of it is discipline, for sure. But having systems to help us achieve an organized existence is usually much easier than forcing more discipline upon ourselves. And I’ve found that systems can be a great catalyst for becoming more disciplined.

It starts with being sold on the idea that clutter—both the visible and the invisible kind—MUST be dealt with. Disorganization is NOT your friend and never has been. The fact is, clutter costs you. It costs you in productivity (looking for things you’ve misplaced and being distracted). It also costs you in peace of mind, like that “yuck” feeling you have when you look at the mess and the feeling of overwhelm and fatigue that comes with it.

And contrary to what many people think, creative people do NOT need to be disorganized. In fact, more organization and less clutter ALLOW for more creativity. I’m absolutely convinced of this.

You may not be able to go from clutter and chaos to order and organization in one day, but you CAN start making the change today.

With the help of some very good tools, I am organized, but perhaps even more important, I FEEL organized. And I’m able to get a lot more done in less time—and enjoy doing it.

Clutter is a toleration worth exterminating. Commit today to create more order and have less chaos. Make consistent improvements in organizing your life around YOU. Clean out some clutter every day. You can do it. And you and those you serve will benefit from it for the rest of your life.

Recommended Reading

The Secret to Being Fiercely Focused

How to Have More Energy, Less Stress and Get More Done by Tackling Your Tolerations
The simple strategy of identifying and eliminating Tolerations has been proven to be highly effective. But don’t allow its simplicity to make you think it’s not extremely powerful—even life-changing. 

Stop Being Nibbled to Death by Ducks! That’s what it feels like when you are nagged by pesky Tolerations that keep you from living your best life. It’s time to declutter your mind.

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer) SuccessNet.org

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at www.amazon.com/author/michaelangier

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