A Different Approach to Goal Setting

Mark Twain once claimed he could teach anyone how to get whatever they wanted. But lamented that he couldn’t find anyone who truly knew what they wanted.

And it’s still as true today as it was in Mark Twain’s time. Even we esteemed subscribers of SuccessNet oftentimes only THINK we know what we want. Being clear on what we want and why we want it is, in my humble opinion, one of the biggest challenges we face.

People are quick to jump into the “how” even when they aren’t sure of the “what” and the “why”.

I recently gave my Million Dollar Round Table a homework assignment. I asked them to make a list of what they thought they wanted and needed. To assist in digging deeper and thinking better, I provided them with some questions. I was concerned they wouldn’t take the exercise seriously enough because it seemed too simple.

But like many things, the simplest process often yields the most profound results. By taking a different approach, everyone gained new insights into their heart’s desire.

Clarity leads to power and as we uncover our real desires and passions, we can more easily achieve our goals. Those who did this exercise reported significant insights and uncovered wants and desires they didn’t know they had.

I’ve organized these questions and outlined this process so you can use it to brainstorm with yourself. If you invest some time in thinking and recording what comes up, I believe you will position yourself for setting and achieving not only more goals, but goals that better reflect your values and desires.

In this Year, I wish for you . . .

  • more clarity
  • greater belief in yourself
  • better health
  • greater wealth
  • more peace
  • increased passion

Clarity Leads to Power . . .

. . . and when we uncover our true desires and passions, we can more easily achieve our goals.

This process is very simple. But don’t let the simplicity of the process keep you from reaping the clarity and focus it can create for you.

As you become clearer on your highest aspirations and better understand your deepest desires, you’ll find yourself gaining confidence and feeling more powerful. You’ll find it easier to set and achieve your goals because they’re based on what you truly want.

Stay away from the things you THINK you should want. These are YOUR desires and no one else’s. If you choose goals out of obligation or “shoulds” you will not likely achieve them and you will become disheartened.

Take time with each question. Concentrate on no more than one or two at a time. Do it at different times and in different locations. Write down anything that comes to mind. You can always delete them later. This is a brainstorming process and is not goal setting—it’s only the prelude to it—but one that lays the groundwork for better goal setting.

What Do I Really Want?
Just enter your answers into the space below each item.

To learn . . .

To have . . .

To create . . .

To obtain . . .

To understand . . .

To get clear about . . .

To decide . . .

To give . . .

To commit to . . .

To see . . .

To be . . .

To change . . .

To eliminate . . .

To complete . . .

Recommended Resource

Best Life Goal Planner

This is a powerful and proven tool designed to help you get clear, stay focused and remain consistent on all the things that will help you achieve your most important objectives. It’s worked for thousands of others—and it will work for you. It’s a workbook and resource manual for identifying, prioritizing, planning and accomplishing your dreams and goals.

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer) SuccessNet.org

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at www.amazon.com/author/michaelangier

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