This article was originally published on in 2010.
I’ve been getting a lot of eMail lately asking what I mean by “Authentic Business”.
So let me explain.
I believe that an Authentic Business is one that congruently reflects the values, mission, character and personality of its owners. The business is aligned with who the owners truly are.
They’ve learned to monetize their mission and they lead with their heart as well as with their head.
I’ve been helping people and businesses grow and prosper for over 30 years. And I’ve counseled many business owners who want to know why their enterprise isn’t as successful as it should be.
But when I tell them that in order for their business to grow, THEY have to grow, most of them just don’t get it.
They’re looking for what they need to DO—the tactics and strategies they need to implement—in order to be successful.
And there’s nothing wrong with that. Getting things done—especially the right things—is certainly important.
But all too often, people focus too much on “the doing” rather than “the being”. I believe that who you are and who you’re being is what’s most important for your success.
As Emerson wrote, “Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying.”
We all know successful business owners who don’t work as hard as most. Their business prospers—seemingly without struggle.
Is it luck? Maybe. But I would submit that they’ve found their sweet spot by being authentic. They’ve set themselves apart simply by being themselves.
You see, an Authentic Business has character. It has integrity.
It doesn’t use hype. It under-promises and over-delivers. It is what it is.
An Authentic Business just works.
And it works easier than others because it doesn’t take as much effort. It gets attention. Customers are drawn to the business because they “get” it.