Are You Tracking Life Metrics?

“You Can’t Change What You Don’t Measure and Understand.”

Every successful enterprise has key metrics that need to be monitored in order to properly manage results.

But what about the metrics for your LIFE? What are the important numbers you need to track to help you plan, create and live your best life?

Your life is not a business, I know. And a lot of life is subjective and difficult to quantify. But some of it is. And I think if you’re serious about living your best life, you should track and measure as much as you can.

Here’s an acrostic I created to help you remember to pay attention to what good metrics can do for you:

M easure
E ssentials
T o
R eap
I ncreased
C larity and
S uccess

As we achieve goals and reach milestones in our lives the things we measure will often change. For instance, I used to track my credit score because it needed improvement. Now that it doesn’t, I check it once in a while, but I don’t really track it.

There are two kinds of things to track: action steps and results. Both are important. I encourage you to take a look at what metrics you are tracking and make sure they are useful and relevant for where you are in life—or plan to be.

Here’s just a few metrics for you to consider monitoring:

  • savings and investment account balances
  • credit card debt
  • mortgage balance
  • weight
  • Body Mass Index
  • blood pressure
  • waist size
  • credit score
  • exercise
  • diet
  • cholesterol
  • progress points on major goals
  • action steps toward goals
  • blood sugar
  • expenses
  • income
  • resting heart rate

You can even rate yourself on subjective things like attitude, joy, fun, pain level, stress, satisfaction, etc. Have fun with it. You’ll be surprised at how just monitoring and measuring something can begin to change the results for the better.

Be honest, but also be gentle with yourself when the numbers aren’t favorable. Practice correction without invalidation. They are numbers and numbers can change—especially when they’re monitored. You CAN change what you measure and understand.

Related Article: Metrics Make a Difference (in business)

Recommended Resource

Best Life Navigator™

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Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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