We all want to get more done—or at least cause more things to happen. And our To-Do lists and appointment books seem to fill up pretty fast. Some things you plan to do, some things feel thrust upon you, and other things you feel obligated to do—or at least take responsibility for getting them done.
When you think of something to do, or a request is made for you to accomplish something, it’s best to take one of several actions rather than just not deal with it. Procrastination should never be an option.
Do It Now!
If it’s a short task—less than 2 minutes—it’s best to just do it and get it done. It’s usually not worth the time to take one of the next three options.
Delegate It!
Many times you feel like you’re the one that has to do the task at hand. But often you can delegate the doing or the being-in-charge of getting it done. That’s where assistants and staff come in pretty handy. But oftentimes you can ask someone else to do it as a favor. Or maybe you can get someone on Fiverr.com to do it for you.
Schedule It!
If you can’t do the task quickly, it’s best to schedule when you will do the task. That way, it doesn’t just sit in your inbox or get added to the list of “Someday I’ll”. Obviously, its importance and its priority must be factored into when and how soon it is scheduled.
Dump It!
I believe we can do anything but not everything. So one of the things you can do when faced with a task is to not accept the task. Or, if it’s something you thought of doing, maybe it’s just not that important. So dump it. Forget about it. Not everything has to be done.
That’s our Best Life Tip for today. I hope you found it helpful.
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