You Can Achieve Anything, but Not Everything

A lot of success authors and coaches will tell you that you can achieve everything you want. It’s simply not true.

But I do believe that you can have anything you want.

The world is a very big place indeed. And there are far too many things in it to be owned or earned by any one person. There’s not enough time, space or money.

Anything may be possible. Everything is not.

So if you can achieve anything you want, but not everything, it stands to reason you must choose very carefully because you’re going to exchange your precious time, energy and money for it. And that’s why what you choose to go after should be consistent with your purpose, your values, your talents and your abilities.

Recommended Resource

How to Discover Your Core Values Course

When You Know Your Core Values, Every Decision You Make is Easier
Take this home-study course at your own pace and discover the values that will determine your success. You can have more purpose, passion and meaning in your life. The course may only take you a few hours to complete yet the rewards that come from it will last a lifetime.

Michael E. Angier
founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)

Michael is the author of over a dozen books on living your best life. Available on Amazon at

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